Thursday, July 3, 2014


This July 4th is going to be a doozy. Two major thrift outlets will be hosting 50% off all clothing, all day: Salvation Army and Value World. Value World is requiring a coupon. If you don't have the coupon shoot us a line either on facebook or through email and we will happily forward you the coupon. 

I personally do not have the time or money to shop both of these sales. So you will find me in Value World, and this is why: Value World gets all of their clothing from everywhere. You know that Purple Heart truck that travels the metro area picking up clothes that people put on their porches? They sell their donations to Value World and Value World the corporation sells them for a profit. You are sure to find a goldmine of diverse styles at whichever Value World you chose to go to. On the other hand Salvation Army can be very predictable. If you go to the Salvation Army in Utica, you are going to find clothes which represent that demographic, and the same for anywhere else. That is unless you go to their specialty stores in Royal Oak or Mexicantown (Don't do it. Read out review on that store to know why)

The average price of clothing with the 50% off at Value World is about $1 to $3, and Salvation Army you are paying about $2.50-$5. So Value World on average will have better prices as well. 

Here are a few things which I always keep in mind for 50% off clothing days:
1. Leave your children at home. For yourself and more importantly for others. Please and thank you
2. Wear comfortable shoes
3. Free your mind, and you ass will follow
4. It is ok to buy something and figure out why you bought it later
5. There will be a line, to get in, to get out, and to get on
6. Grab what you like the first time, figure out if you really need it later
7. Eat your Wheaties. This is not a drill. 

See you there!

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