About Us

Ebonee West is a wife, mother of five, and self proclaimed thrift addict. She is a Houston, Texas native but loves the city of Detroit and has lived here for more than a decade. Having been on a fixed income with a large family, Ebonee knows the struggle of trying to make fashion dreams come true. She prides herself in having done that and as a result Funky Junk was born. 

If you see Ebonee she is always smiling, not because her life is perfect but because she is grateful for the moments of perfection that she sees every day. 

The name Funky Junk and Juju comes from her mother who opened a store of upcyled army surplus items in their basement back in Texas. She called her inventory Funky Junk and Juju. As an homage to her mother, and in order to contribute to the renaissance of Detroit, Ebonee has opened up her own store online and soon to be in Midtown. 

Ebonee loves to participate in cultural activities like dancing, festivals, and dabbles in home decorating and the arts. 

Joy Mohammed and Ebonee West have been friends since 2010. When Ebonee decided to launch the Funky Junk store, she thought of her funkiest friend, and Joy's name came up. Joy is a Chicago native who grew up in Southfield, Michigan. She too is a thrifting addict, and is not seeking counseling. 

Joy loves fashion, especially plus size fashion. She feels as though Plus Size girls get the short end of the fashion stick because they are fearful of not wearing clothes the "intended" way. She does not care about intention of clothing but rather interpretation of clothing, as is her goal for Funky Junk.

Joy is married with three children and lives in Detroit's Russell Woods neighborhood. She too is excited to see anything that will make Detroit a better place for herself and her family. In addition to Funky Junk Joy heads up a project called Scholarship Detroit which helps under-exposed and underprivileged children of Detroit locate and compete for scholarship funds. She also enjoys cooking during her free time. 

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