Saturday, April 26, 2014

Value World Coupon

Value World Coupons are the Absolute BEST thing to happen to thrifters since the student discount. We at Funky Junk love the 50% off coupon. If you got the coupon in your email I strongly suggest that you head out to your local Value World and capitalize. 

Sadly, you cannot sign up today and get the coupon. If you did not get the coupon, email us and we will share ours with you. Remember, you have to print it, they will not honor the coupon on your phone. 

You can click here to find the closest Value World near you. 

Don't let the neighborhoods of some of these Value World's deter you. Value World purchases their clothing from Purple Heart. You know, those big purple and white trucks  which go all around the Detroit area picking up donations that people leave on their porch. They then mark up the clothes and sell them to you. So you can go to the Value World on Woodward in Highland Park, and get some gently used items from a family in Birmingham. 

Stay thrift-ulous!
~Funky Junk

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